
About Us

Welcome to IGAIT

IGAIT, is a management consultancy company working in areas of productivity improvement,imparting productivity improvement skills and developing solutions for the apparel industry. IGAIT is a dedicated team,lead by Mr. Ravee Parthasaarathi. and is managed by a core team of professionals from diverse fields like IT, engineering, statistics and productivity concepts. IGAIT aims to impart training, and develop solutions for the apparel industry in areas of production Improvement, quality and wastage reduction. The main focus is to enable applications, solutions and train people on productivity concepts to develop solutions based on the theory of constraints

Our Philosophy & Passion

We are passionate to offer solutions for profitability and productivity improvement for long term continuous growth and sustenance. Our Philosophy and methodology is based on the concepts of TOC theory of constraints apart from digitisation and automation of manufacturing data.


TOC(Theory Of Constraints) is a management methodology that helps in focusing on the most important limiting factor(constraint) that is blocking the organization from achieving higher production and suggests methods to systematically improving the constraint until it is no more a constraint and repeating the process continually. TOC or the theory of constraint was proposed by Mr. Eliyahu Goldratt and has been successfully used for profit improvement, lead time reduction, cost cutting by MNC ; fortune 500 companies through out Europe and America.

Factories of the future needs industrial automation and digital transformation to reap the benefits of industry 4.0. We offer real time information, MIS reports and reports automation through data digitization.

Satisfied Happy Clients

Career Skill development Of Managers Benefits Companies

Enable & Empower your Team with Digital Tools for Better Decision Making and Work-Life Balance